The 33rd General Assembly of the IUBS
“A Century of Unifying Biology”
Oslo, July 30 through August 2, 2019
Outline of the General Assembly for IUBS members
Day 1 : 30th July 2019
Meeting Venue: The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
(Drammensveien 78, Oslo)
9:00-12:00 : Opening session of the GA, restricted to IUBS members
Chaired by Hiroyuki Takeda
9:00-9:10 Opening by the President, Hiroyuki Takeda
9:10-9:20 Welcome address by the Organizer, Nils Christian Stenseth; Adoption of agenda
9:20-10:05 Reports on IUBS activities
9:20-9:35 Report on the scientific programmes by the Secretary General, LS Shashidhara
9:35-9:50 Report on the finances by the Treasurer, Santiago Merino
9:50-10:05 Report on the activities by the Executive Director, Nathalie Fomproix
10:05 - 10:15 Appointment of the ad hoc committees
10:15-10:30 Coffee break
10:30 – 11:10: Reports of IUBS scientific programmes of the last triennium
10:30-10:40 AgroEcosystem report (Peter Kevan)
10:40-10:50 BCGC report (Zhibin Zhang)
10:50-11:00 UBTI report (Nils Christian Stenseth)
11:00-11:10 iCCB report (Michelle Lawing)
11:10-11:50 Presentations of the applications for the new triennium
11:10-11:20 open Biodiversity and Health Big Data - BHBD (Yiming Bao)
11:20-11:30 Global Integrative Pastoralism Program – GIPP (Nils Christian Stenseth)
11:30-11:40 Conservation Paleobiology in Africa – CPIA (Johannes Müller)
11:40-11:50 Environmental education and climate change adaptation: science of pollution-tolerant and climate resilient plants (Vivek Pandey)
11:50-12:00 Governance of global taxonomics lists (Frank Zachos)
Afternoon Session (open to all)
13:00-17:00 : Plenary session on “A Century of Unifying Biology” – Part I
13:00-13:10: Welcome Address by the IUBS President: Professor Hiroyuki Takeda (Tokyo, Japan)
13:10-13:20: Welcome addresses by the organizing hosts: Hans Petter Graver (the President of The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters) and Svein Stølen (the Vice-Chancellor/Rector of the University of Oslo)
13:20-13:40: “From Charles Darwin till today: the unified biology through more than 150 years” by Professor Nils Christian Stenseth (Oslo, Norway)
13:40-14:00: “Linking taxonomy and evolution: from Linné to Darwin” by Professor Regine Jahn (Berlin, Germany)
14:00-14:20: “What can comparative demography teach us about ecology and evolution?” by Professor Dylan Childs (Sheffield, UK)
14:20-14:40: Break
14:40-15:00: “Macroevolution: linking paleontology and evolution” by Professor Matt Pennell
15:00-15:20: “Linking evolution and genomics” by Professor Leif Andersson (Uppsala, Sweden)
15:20-15:40: “Seeing the human history through the glasses of biology” by Associate Professor Martin Sikora (Copenhagen, Denmark)
15:40-16:00: “The advantages of living in groups” by Professor Raghavendra Gadagkar (Bangalore, India)
16:00-16:20: Break
16:20-16:40: “The major transitions through evolutionary history” by Professor Eörs Szathmary (Budapest, Hungary)
16:40-17:00: “Human evolution: A view from the Afar of Ethiopia" by Professor Berhane Asfaw (Addis Abeba, Ethiopia)
17:00-17:30: Break
Evening Session (open to all)
17:30-19:00 : Plenary session on “A Century of Unifying Biology” – Part II
17:30-17:50: "Science for Science, Science for Policy, Policy for Science and Open Science": chaired by Professor Hans Petter Graver, President, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
17:50-18:20: "The International Union of Biological Sciences: A perspective on evolution in action-20th century development and accomplishment, and potential 21st century leadership" by Professor Marvalee Wake (Berkeley, US): chaired by Nils Christian Stenseth
18:20-19:00: “Past, Present and Future of IUBS” – panel dialogue between past and current presidents of IUBS (David Hawksworth, Marvalee Wake, Motonori Hoshi, John Buckeridge, Hiroyuki Takeda): Chaired by Nils Christian Stenseth
Day 2 : 31st July 2019
Meeting Venue: The Science Library of University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo
(Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, Moltke Moes vei 35 Blindern, Oslo)
Morning Plenary Session (open to all)
Chaired by Hiroyuki Takeda
09:00-09:40 Flash talks by the organisers of parallel sessions
9:00-9:05 Introduction about the different sessions and their links with IUBS
9:05-9:10 Science Forum (Lily Rodriguez)
9:10: 9:15 Big Data(Yiming Bao)
9:15-9:20 Climate Change (Zhibin Zhang)
9:20-9:25 Biological Consequences of Global Change (Yvon Le Maho)
9:25-9:30 TROP ICSU (LS Shashidhara)
9:35-9:40 Nomenclature and the governance of taxonomic lists (Regine Jahn)
09:45-11:15 Inclusive co-operation: The International Science Council, Inter-union Co-operation and “vision through a Gender Lens” Co-chaired by Lucilla Spini and John Buckeridge
11:15-11:35 coffee break
11:35-12:30 Plenary dialogue
Afternoon Parallel Sessions (open to all)
1) "Science Forum, dialogue between science and policy" chaired by Lily Rodriguez
2) "Nomenclature and Taxonomic List” chaired by Regine Jahn
Evening Session (Restricted to IUBS members)
Venue: The Science Library of University of Oslo (Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, Moltke Moes
vei 35 Blindern, Oslo)
17:00 - 18:00 Round table, IUBS
“IUBS activities and how to enhance interactions between IUBS and its scientific and national members”
Chaired by Marvalee Wake and Harufumi Nishida
Day 3 : 1st August 2019
Meeting Venue: The Science Library of University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo
(Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, Moltke Moes vei 35 Blindern, Oslo)
Morning Parallel Sessions (open to all)
1) “Big Data” chaired by Yiming Bao
2) "Climate Change: Biological Consequences of Global Change with a focus on the Three Pole initiative (of China) with iCCB, WCRP, WMO” chaired by Zhibin Zhang
Afternoon Parallel Sessions (open to all)
1) "TROP-ICSU :Trans-disciplinary Research Oriented Pedagogy for Improving Climate Studies and Understanding" chaired by L S Shashidhara
2) "Biological Consequences of Global Change”, chaired by Yvon Le Maho
Evening Session (Restricted to IUBS members)
17:00 - 18:00 Round table, IUBS
“What new initiatives IUBS can take up in the new century”
Chaired by Mavalee Wake and Harufumi Nishida
Day 4 : 2nd August 2019 : Restricted to IUBS members
Meeting Venue: The Science Library of University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo
(Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, Moltke Moes vei 35 Blindern, Oslo)
Morning Session
9:00-12:00 Closing session of the GA Chaired by Hiroyuki Takeda
9:00-10:30 Reports of the ad hoc committees:
9:00-9:05 Report of the Credential Committee
9:05-9:20 Report of the Statutes Committee - vote
9:20-9:35 Report of the Admissions Committee- vote
9:35-9:45 Report of the 34th General Assembly Committee – vote
9:45-9:55 Report of the Finances Committee
9:55-10:15 Report of the Scientific Committee – vote
10:15-10:30 Report of the Resolutions Committee – vote
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:00 Elections of the new Executive Committee
11:00-11:30 Speeches of candidates
11:30-11:40 Elections
11:40-11:55 Reports of the round tables during the counting of the votes,
11:55-12:00 Results of the votes
12:00-12:15 Closing remarks
Please contact the event organizers for more details