Science Forum
Science Forum, dialogue between science and policy: Biodiversity & Sustainability: CBD-SDG
31st July, 13:30 – 17:00
Chair: Lily Rodríguez
At the time of IUBS general assembly, a global new agenda for biodiversity for the next decade is under construction. This will be implemented mainly through the biodiversity convention (CBD). 2030 is also the horizon for the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), to which the biodiversity should be synergetic.
In this session we will review the stage of the discussion, the challenges and how biodiversity fits into, supports, and is supported by, the UN SDGs for 2030, where gaps and tensions lie, and how we can contribute to advancing ideas and research for the next decade.
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a major opportunity for the mainstreaming of biodiversity, to ensure an integrated approach to implementing the 2030 Agenda, national biodiversity strategies and action plans. During this transdisciplinary workshop session, we will discuss ideas, themes and indicators to inform the post- 2020 Biodiversity Agenda related to sustainable production and consumption (Aichi Target 4).
Working to ensure effective alignment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relating to sustainable production and consumption patterns (SDG 12), to biodiversity, our discussion will give careful consideration to the interlinkages with other SDG indicators and potential targets for biodiversity, and the actions required by Governments, business and stakeholders at all levels to ensure effective, accurate and coherent reporting against indicators.
The results of the meeting will be submitted to the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, for consideration in the discussions on the POST 2020 BIODIVERSITY AGENDA.
13:30 Biodiversity and production and consumption
Introduction, aims, anticipated outputs (Lily)
Where are we? IPBES results (Lily)
Biodiversity and SDG interlinkages (Izabela)
14:00 Context: Policy and governance for transformational change
Understanding the politics of SDGs (Prof. Desmond McNeill)
Learning from the Aichi targets for developing targets (Dr. Joanna Smallwood)
14:30 Break out groups: Priorities for a post-2020 framework (part 1)
- Navigating trade-offs between development and conservation: what thresholds need to be set to ensure sustainable use of biodiversity? Who should be involved?
- Should we target sectors posing greatest risks to biodiversity and climate?
- Who is responsible at different levels of governance, and what accountability mechanisms exist?
- What are the alternative systems of consumption and production that respect biodiversity?
15:00 An overview of the post-2020 CBD framework
Alexander Shestakov, CBD Secretariat. The post 2020 Biodiversity agenda: the way to go, which pathway? Sasha Shestakov (Online)
15:40 Break out groups: priorities for a post 2020-framework (part 2)
- Tackling the thorny questions of biodiversity and development trade-offs and alternative models for consumption and production
- Developing post-2020 targets from IUBS Science Forum
16:30 Wrap up and follow-up plans (Lily)
17:00 Close
- John Buckeridge, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
- L S Shashidhara, IISER Pune, India
- Zhibin Zhang, Institute of Zoology, Chinese academy of sciences
- Organizers: Lily Rodríguez, CIMA, Lima, Peru & Izabela Delabre, Sussex University, UK.
Background information
- Visions for Nature, a meeting in New Zealand, IPBES scenarios group, 2017
- 4 th Science Forum, CBD COP 14, EGYPT 2018
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