From IUBS Members

IUBS has gained the cooperation from many international organisations during the glorious journey of hundred years. IUBS is very thankful to the members for their support and cooperation. Here are the wishes from some of the IUBS members.


International Society of Environmental Botanists (ISEB)

It is my privilege to congratulate International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) on the eve of its Centenary celebration and the 33 rd General Assembly meeting being held at University of Oslo, Norway from 30 th July to 2 nd August, 2019.

On behalf of the International Society of Environmental Botanists (ISEB), I wish all the delegates intellectually stimulating scientific deliberations during the celebration.

During the past 100 years of its existence IUBS has made outstanding contribution to basic research in biology and climate change science and its contribution to applied sciences has been praise-worthy.

ISEB is a non-profit scientific organization established in the year 1994. During the 25 years of its existence, ISEB has organized several scientific programmes. The ISEB has been regularly bringing out a quarterly news letter Environews and a biannual Scientific Journal International Journal of Plant and Environment for the dissemination of scientific knowledge. The IUBS has supported many of its activities, the recent most being the 6 th international conferences on plants and environmental pollution. We are thankful to IUBS

President Prof. Hiroyuki Takeda and Executive Director Dr. Nathalie Fomproix for the same.

I look forward to enhanced cooperation between ISEB and IUBS to achieve our common goals.

(S.K. Barik)

President ISEB


International Association for Biological Oceanography (IABO)

The International Association for Biological Oceanography (IABO) was founded in 1964 and is one of the scientific members of the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) under the umbrella of the International Science Council (ISC). IABO also serves the Executive Committee of the Scientific Committee for Oceanic Research (SCOR).

The goal of IABO is to promote and advance knowledge of life in the ocean through the study of marine biology, biological oceanography and other related sciences. IABO also promotes interdisciplinary communication between marine biologists and other ocean stakeholders by organizing and supporting international forums such as the World Conference on Marine Biodiversity.

To celebrate the 55th anniversary of the establishment of IABO, we have renewed the association logo. Consistent with the original emblem, the new logo design and colours are inspired in the "Fresco of the Dolphins", a mural in the Knossos Palace in Crete which is estimated to have been created between 1800-1400 BC to represent the natural underwater world.

IABO congratulates its parent organization, IUBS on its centenary year and wishes the organization success in continuing to achieve its mission of facilitating interdisciplinary cooperation among biological scientists under the principle of unifying biology through diversity.

from iszs

International Society of Zoological Sciences

Wishes to IUBS on the moment of its centenary celebrations

On the moment of centenary celebrations of IUBS, I, on behalf of the International Society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS), warmly congratulate to IUBS, and wish IUBS a continued great success in the future. I wish all delegates and participants to enjoy the celebrations at the 33 rd General Assembly of IUBS, during July 30 to August 2, Oslo, Norway.

ISZS originated from the International Congress of Zoology (ICZ) in 1889 in Paris. ISZS had a close relationship in history with IUBS though its zoology committee for ICZ. In 2004, ISZS was established to replace the IUBS zoology committee, and became the scientific member of IUBS. During past 15 years, ISZS has been working closely with IUBS in organizing a series of symposia, meetings, workshops and launching a scientific program “Biological Consequences of Global Change (BCGC)”. IUBS has provided support to BCGC for successive 9 years. BCGC now has become an important platform and flagship of climate change ecology in the world. IUBS also provided important support to ISZS in sponsoring young scientists attending activities organized by ISZS.

We look forward to more close cooperation with IUBS in various areas, particularly in promoting the continued development of BCGC.

Zhibin Zhang

President of ISZS

Editor in Chief, Integrative Zoology

from ICPPR

International Commission for Plant-Pollinator Relationships (ICPPR)

We congratulate the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) on its Centenary celebration and the 33rd General Assembly at the University of Oslo, Norway from 30 July to 2 August, 2019.

This International Commission was founded in 1950 during the VII Botanical Congress in Stockholm as The International Commission for Bee Botany (ICBB) when it joined the IUBS as a Scientific Member. Since then (1985) the Commission has modernized as The International Commission for Plant-Bee Relationships (ICPBR) and then, in 2011, to The International Commission for Plant-Pollinator Relationships (ICPPR) as better fitted to present-day interdisciplinary ICPPR objectives and problems confronting pollination world-wide.

The ICPPR has enjoyed generous support of the IUBS over nearly 70 years as it has grown to over 430 members. In recent years, the ICPPR has received financial support from the IUBS for its International Pollination Symposia in Mexico (2011) and Germany (2018). The next Symposium will be in South Africa (2020) ( Funds from IUBS were hugely valuable to organize the symposia, help with speakers’ expenses, provide student scholarships, and as leverage to obtain other support.

At the same time, the IUBS has helped fund international courses in Pollination Ecology and especially the programme in Agroecosystems: Managed Pollinators: Ecological Intensification in Agroecosystems: Application of managed pollinators to crop protection and production through the Arthur Dobbs Institute as the international facilitating non-for-profit organization (see This programme has stimulated on-going collaborations with The International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC), also a Scientific Member of IUBS.

The ICPPR has enjoyed an immense synergy through relations with IUBS and expects to continue to do so. Thank you!

ICPPR encourages all delegates to involve themselves with the IUBS and, at this General Assembly, to enjoy the wide-ranging scientific deliberations.

Peter G. Kevan (President: Canada);

Carlos H. Vergara (Vice-President: Mexico);

Connal Eardley (Vice-President: South Africa)

From International Federation of Mammalogists

International Federation of Mammalogists

Dear Profs. Takeda, Stenseth and Dr. Fomproix,

As President of the International Federation of Mammalogists (IFM), I am writing on behalf of the IFM Officers, Board of Directors, and Affiliated Societies to express our support for the 33rd General Assembly of the IUBS, to be held 30 July to 2 August in Oslo, Norway. Your organization is a vitally important international society that promotes research in biology at a global scale. This type of multi-national effort is critical to the continued ability of biologists to conduct original research and to share their knowledge with a broad community of colleagues. Accordingly, the upcoming assembly will serve to enhance and to stimulate cutting edge, collaborative research on a wide array of topics in biology.

The IFM wishes the organizers of the assembly every success with this event and extends our sincere appreciation to the members of the Local Organizing Committee for their dedicated efforts in promoting not just the upcoming meeting but also the science of mammalogy.

Best regards,

Eileen A. Lacey

President, International Federation of Mammalogists

Museum of Vertebrate Zoology

University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA 94720-3140

from International Society for Diatom Research

International Society for Diatom Research (ISDR)

The International Society for Diatom Research (ISDR) would like to warmly congratulate the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) on the 100th year anniversary of their founding.

The ISDR was established at the 9th International Diatom Symposium in Bristol in 1986. Since then it has held symposia at different venues around the world and has supported the attendance of many students, as well as diatomists from poorer countries. In 2015, at the European Geosciences Union general assembly in Vienna, a Young ISDR was formed by early career scientists to provide a platform for discussion on diatom research, to facilitate networking and inform each other about career opportunities. Since 2016, the ISDR and Young ISDR have held joint programmes at the same venue, and several Young ISDR members now sit on the ISDR Council and cooperate closely with symposium hosts. In 2018, the IUBS provided vital financial support to our meeting in Berlin. This was much appreciated by everyone who attended and we look forward to our continued membership of IUBS in the foreseeable future.

Professor Richard Jordan

President of ISDR